VITEC: Integrated, Agile and Precise (georeferenced) Surveillance

Our presentation encompasses 10 concepts:

1 Integrated Surveillance Epidemiologic, entomologic, epizootic, virologic and genomic.
2 Dashboard Data for the health manager decision-making.
3 App For the field agent to quickly and accurately collect and transfer (georeferenced) field data.
4 Territorialization Geographic charts: tool that allows the health surveillance, epidemiology and entomology sector scan the city map, detailing it to block area level.
5 SAAS - Software as a Service The way we market VITEC is so that our customers don’t need to gather a team or hire third-party projects to build a software from scratch. Subsequently, our customers’ procedures can be digitized in a more agile way and their resources can, for instance, be relocated towards expanding the digitation process.
6 Commercialization At first, VITEC was set up to monitor the Aedes aegypti mosquito and its spread diseases. As our customer’s use increases, the software may also be configured for other concerns.
7 Distribution VITEC's marketing strategy is via distribution by partners probation to represent VITEC locally.
8 Team Our team gathers liable professionals of infrastructure and security, product ownership, development analyst, developers, quality analyst, support analysts and customer support.
9 Contributions Agile and accurate diagnosis, valuing the role of the field agent and innovation.
10 Research and Development We maintain a covenant with a learning institution that constantly promotes training and income generation and innovation in the Rio de Janeiro northern region (Quintino Bocaiúva). Fun fact about this neighborhood: Quintino Bocaiúva was a Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs in Brazil’s first republican government. The neighborhood was also known for being the birthplace of the football player Zico, popularly known as “Quintino's Chicken”.

