VITEC Demonstration: an agile way to learn more about an Integrated with Technology Health Surveillance Software

Real-time monitoring
for epidemiology, entomology and arboviruses

We monthly schedule VITEC lectures and demonstrations.
When our scheduled dates not meet the calendar of the interested institution – or for some reason an exclusive demonstration is necessary – we seek agendas coordination. With the demonstration, the Endemic and/or Health Agents and Health Managers (Epidemiology, Entomology, Health) can debate and ask questions about the concepts and functions covered by VITEC such as importing and exporting data from and to other Softwares, territorialization, the dashboard and reports.

Exclusive, no-obligation VITEC demonstration options:
    • Exclusive online demonstration for your institution. Scheduled in advance and held in our Zoom room or in your video conference room.
    • Exclusive in-office demonstration during a visit to your City, County or Municipal Area, according to the availability of both yours and ours teams and, scheduled in advance.
Guests and interest based audiences
    • Health Bureaus
    • Public Health Surveillance Leaders
    • Epidemiological Surveillance
    • Environmental Surveillance
    • Health Professionals

